Business blog (management)
Program Description The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree prepares graduates to seek employment in entry-level positions in various industries of budgeting, accounting, payroll, personnel, computer systems, risk management, facilities planning and management. BBA Program Objectives The Bachelor of Business Administration program incorporates the development of the adult student’s to a well-planned curriculum, which integrates advanced cognitive skills, awareness of self and others, and social and interpersonal skills. The Bachelor of Business Administration encourages students to achieve the following educational objectives: Understand the functional components of business – economics, marketing, accounting, finance, law, and management. Develop oral and written communication skills. Use current information technology to support business decision-making. Value diversity and develop a global perspective. Develop independent, critical thinking and reasoning skills to identify problems and develop problem-solving abilities. Foster and promote a sense of ethics and values to be applied in their personal and professional lives.