New Campus – 16715 Von Karman Avenue, #100, Irvine, CA 92606
We are pleased to announce that Westcliff University have moved to a brand new, state of the art campus in Irvine. This campus is more than four times larger than our previous campus which accommodates our recent growth and helps us achieve our mission to educate, inspire, and empower our students.
The university’s campus is now located at 16715 Von Karman Avenue, #100, Irvine, CA 92606. This is about 3.8 miles away from the previous location. The new space includes numerous well-sized classrooms, preparation area for faculty, and space to adequately provide student services and related functions. Also included is a large warehouse space, which may eventually be converted into a multi-purpose facility (i.e., athletics, events, career fairs, etc.).
We want to provide the most seamless transition as possible for all students and faculty. If you have any questions, please feel free to call (949-825-5999) us at your convenience.
We look forward to seeing everyone soon on our new campus.